U-Boat ID for Tyschen

U-boot, German Navy, Italian navy.

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U-Boat ID for Tyschen

Post by West-Front »

Hi Tyschen,

Any ID on the U-Boat or its Commander ?

E-bay ID 150292658207

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll ... :IT&ih=005
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Re: U-Boat ID for Tyschen

Post by Tychsen »

Possibly a boat at the end of her acceptance trials.
Looks like a Type IXC , Hogel's "U-Boat Emblems of WW2" identifies the marking as being the acceptance markings for the Type IX boats - from the Seebeck Wesermunde yard.
This ties in with the type of boat and a closer look at the emblem I am pretty sure its a white spade over a white bar - so its almost certaintly one of the four U-boats-163-165-169 or 803.
The officer in the centre with his hands clapsed is almost certainly the skipper - unfortunately I can't find a match or "id" him in what I have.
To positively name him contacting the U-Boat Archiv would be the best way forward as they probably have a copy of this photo on record and most likely the individual commader as well.
I will take another look in the cold light of day but its unlikely that I can get closer than one of these four boats.
Last edited by Tychsen on Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:15 am, edited 3 times in total.

Re: U-Boat ID for Tyschen

Post by West-Front »

Emblem appears to be Arrow shaped or maybe Tree shaped ?

U-Boat ID for Tyschen - Tentative ID of U-853 -

Post by West-Front »

Hi Tyschen

I was re-reading a book I have titled " Dive into History: U-Boats" by Henry C Keats & George C Farr ISBN 1-55992-064-5

Essentially its a book detailing U-Boat diving wrecks off the east coast of the USA. But well researched and very detailed. For example it details the history of u-2513 wartime, postwar and its sinking etc

I will try and scan it but one photo of U-853 looks to my eye to be very similiar to this one, but annoyingly the white emblem is cut off on the left hand side of the photo in this book.


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Re: U-Boat ID for Tyschen

Post by Tychsen »

Cam , by all means post it up would love to see it to compare it to the one from eBay.
At the moment I am reading and enjoying a book called "Shadow Divers" which deals with the discovered of U869 and the process of identifying the boat.
The tragic death of the father and son who found the wreck is part of the story.
As a non diver it does make you think about the risk and calls involved in exploring the sea - it is not as straightforward as it appears , it is dangerous and not without absolute risk.
The terms "shadow diver" coming from the potential disturbance of sediment within a wreck , which reduces visibility to almost nil in an instant.
Going back to the photo - the crew hide the detail of the ship and unless they are in the photo or there is some definate point it will be hard to know , similar , same , identical - it will be a close call.
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