Inglorious Basterds

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Inglorious Basterds

Post by dog green 1 »

Went to see the new Tarentino film 'Inglorious Basterds' last night. Not bad, kind of what you'd expect from a Tarentino movie. Seemed a little slow in places at at 2 1/2 hours long its a bit of an Epic. The lead German character played by an actor I wasn't familiar with but believe is called 'Christopher Waltz' stole the show. Amusing but sinister enough to keep you guessing what he'd do next.

Costumes and uniforms were superb, especially all the Officers and formal dress uniforms. Incredibly well made. Sets were very nice to look at and overall I'd say it's a film worth going to see. Buy a big bag of pop corn, switch the brain into neutral and enjoy the ride. Another to add to the DVD collection when its released.
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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by Sean »


I'm thinking of going seeing this tommorow, and a film with Diane Kruger cant be that bad..... hubba hubba :mrgreen:
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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by LosLosLos »

Never really been into either Tarentino or Pitt so i'd only really be interested in the uniforms.

May go watch it though seen as you think it's worth a punt Chris.

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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by dog green 1 »

LosLosLos wrote:Never really been into either Tarentino or Pitt so i'd only really be interested in the uniforms.

May go watch it though seen as you think it's worth a punt Chris.

To be honest the uniforms are what kept me interested throughout. Even the wife commented on how nice some of them looked :roll: I did try and spot faults with them but he seems to have gotten the details bob on. Wardrobe department did a great job.

If you do go and see it try and spot this. At the begining of the film a title comes up saying 'Occupied France' and gives a date. Later in the film another title comes up giving a date supposedly 4 years after the first. Look out for the two dates and work out where in the War this would place things. If I wasn't mistaken I think it puts things way off.
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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by Ziggy »

It's a deliberate ploy, Tarantino does it all the time. Apparently his geography of LA was way out on Pulp Fiction to emphasise that it's fantasy.
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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by dog green 1 »

Ziggy wrote:It's a deliberate ploy, Tarantino does it all the time. Apparently his geography of LA was way out on Pulp Fiction to emphasise that it's fantasy.
aaaaaahhhhh. Woundered why everything else was spot on but this was such a massive mistake.
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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by Peiper »

Hi guys :D
There was an article i think in the Mail or Telegraph, about the real "Inglorious Basterds" who
were ex Polish/Jewish soldiers who were sent behind the lines late 44/45 on a "shoot to kill"
policy, i think these events is what this film is based on.

These men originally were under orders from SIS and OSS but at the end of the War going
into 1947 these men still waged war on un-caged Nazi War criminals in the same manner as
Tarrantino's charactures, basically in their case donning Allied MP uniforms and going to
houses of known Nazi's and telling them they were being taken in for questioning.

In one such incident it explains that a group stumbled across a Gauleiter's house which
apparantly was full of art treasures and antiques, when the woman of the house (the-
Gauleiter's Wife) was asked where they obtained such things she unashamedly admitted in a
cynical manner "From the Jew's of course!", wrong answer, obviously she didn't know who
she was talking to at the time so when her Husband the Gauleiter returned the group took him
for a "ride", during which time he had given the avenging group a full list of names and
addresses of Nazi officials, Gestapo agents and SD men who apparantly escaped the 1945
net, needless to say these men were unheard of again!

Cheers,Pipe. :wink:
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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by Ropes »

watched it today and I Did enjoy it. Really Slow burning but has scenes of high intensity here and there. I eventually stopped watching it from the "thats wrong" point of wiew and just enjoyed it as a movie. best bit hands down is just before the "baseball bat scene witch I have to admit was pretty grim. Donowitz: "you get that for killing jews?" (points at german soldiers iron cross) German Soldier: (pauses) "for bravery".

Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by Peiper »

Inglourious Basterds (Pitt).gif
Inglourious Basterds (Pitt).gif (113.86 KiB) Viewed 6694 times
"We're in the killin business, an right now business is boomin"

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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by Salacious Crumb »

I didn't like the movie. Tarantino has made better movies.

Didn't you guys see the error? in the begining our sniper hero just has a EK2 and in the last scene where he enters the projection room he's promoted with the Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub und Swertern / Knightscross with Oakleaves and Swords! Little sequence error?
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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by BaggyPants »

I'll never see it, ever, much in the same way I'll never buy a Duffy CD. In my opinion Tarantino is complete unadulterated crap (Like Duffy) and his films are worse. He's a spoilt little wanker who has done nothing but copy other peoples styles (Sergio Leone, anyone?). Reservoir Dogs was tosh, and Pulp Fiction was total pooh. All these student types were raving about it, so I went to see it. Should have known better, as student types tend to rave about things they think they should do to bolster their student image, just like they all liked "Trainspotting", which was also complete shit. People mostly like these films because they can talk to each other about "The bit where ............", usually referring to the more gruesome scenes of death and violence. It's like being in their own little club.

PS - Your views may vary, because this is only my opinion :)
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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by Viktor Kauer »

Can I have my 2 and a half hours back please? :| This film was pure rubbish in my opinion, boringly long and just plain stupid and insensitive. Made even more boring by not understanding a word of French :lol:

I must admit I was expecting much better, particularly with all the hype associated with it and I have liked Tarantino's films in the past, but this one just doesn't cut the grade imho.

And yes, the uniforms were nice :P but I also noticed the 'lowly Oberschütze' suddenly receiving the RK at the end?

Very odd ending aswell :?

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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by daveslastsummer »

Interesting tune on the soundtrack CD " Tiger Tank" by Lalo Schifrin........

H,mmmm classic tune, pinched from Kellys Heros, the bit when they are creaping up on the Tigers at the finale......

Anyone notice this while watching the movie????

Now where did i leave that Anorak!!! :shock:
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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by totenkopfverband »

i saw a bootleg of this crap and saw through the black humour and parody. uniforms were nice, but that's pretty much it. this is more or less a socially-acceptable revenge deathwish-like film or propaganda, but that's just my take.
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Re: Inglorious Basterds

Post by SS-Schutze Schuller »

Ropes wrote:best bit hands down is just before the "baseball bat scene witch I have to admit was pretty grim. Donowitz: "you get that for killing jews?" (points at german soldiers iron cross) German Soldier: (pauses) "for bravery".
I couldn't help but feel admiration for the German sergeant at that point. It's interesting that Tarantino almost reversed the roles of 'good' and 'evil' at that point, playing the heroic music as the Sergeant accepted death rather than give away his comrades. Although most people would just see it as a stubborn evil nazi getting what he deserved. :?
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