Is Skirmish Magazine a waste of time for WW2 Re-enactors.

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Is Skirmish Magazine a waste of time for WW2 Re-enactors.

Yes it is a waste of money for ww2 Reenactors
No, I find loads of stuff about ww2 Renacting
Total votes: 33

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Is Skirmish Magazine a waste of time for WW2 Re-enactors.

Post by FMROMMEL »

Is Skirmish Magazine a waste of time for WW2 Re-enactors. Just got the latest issue on the door mat this morning and found the following content....
4 pages Napoleonic
2 page Archaelogy
4 pages WW1
4 pages 1840's Naval
1 page Medoeval
3 pages Jacobite
1 page Military Odyssey photos 1 picture out of 5
3 pages War & Peace by Rex Cadman got to keep the advetisers happy.
2 pages Colchester Festive 1 picture of a spitfire out of 9
7 pages 1066
2 pages Die Hard style group (Surprise Surprise)
3 pages ww2 Veterans Memoirs In Voices
5 Page US Civil War
2 pages 1544 French
2 pages Collecting Modern British Army Caps!
2 pages Places to visit old houses!

Over the past couple of month we have written and sent with photographs many intersting things covers all side but they seem to avoid ww2 re-enacting if they can....
Last edited by FMROMMEL on Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

From the beginning it's been a struggle - Unless you write the feem chune, photograph the feem chune, send in the feem chune, etc.etc. then they don't seem to put much in.

When Rachael took it over there were promises to make it more relevent to us - There was also talk of a WWII based magazine which I offered to have some involvement in.... Never heard owt.

I stopped taking it or even picking it up some two years ago.

I think that if we made an approach through Seimon PJ we might stand a chance of a specialised WWII magazine - Trouble is - Lots of effort would be needed for contributions and bar one or two, I can't see many being bothered......

Unless of course you're going into publishing Wayne?
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Post by FMROMMEL »

Fwbl Dollman wrote:From the beginning it's been a struggle - Unless you write the feem chune, photograph the feem chune, send in the feem chune, etc.etc. then they don't seem to put much in.

When Rachael took it over there were promises to make it more relevent to us - There was also talk of a WWII based magazine which I offered to have some involvement in.... Never heard owt.

I stopped taking it or even picking it up some two years ago.

I think that if we made an approach through Seimon PJ we might stand a chance of a specialised WWII magazine - Trouble is - Lots of effort would be needed for contributions and bar one or two, I can't see many being bothered......

Unless of course you're going into publishing Wayne?
Depends on if I can get the answers to the right questions, my friend!
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grenadier heeder

Post by grenadier heeder »

I've written to Rachel on three occasions. Twice with Kp1 and once with Tiger 1 KSK. All sumarily ignored.
Generally speaking, if you want exposure I suggest you either stick with your website (but make sure you update it and keep the interest up) or speak to FHM, NUTS,GQ et al and get some exposure that way.

As regards to the poll, yes I agree; that for Axis WW2 reenactors at least, it's a waste of time, as you'd be lucky to even get a reply to any question, speculative or subjective.
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Post by Cookie »

I find all this a bit suprising. TFH has had a lot of involvement in SKIRMISH and continues to do so. Off the top of my head I can remember four articles that we've either written or been part of (in photos etc) and we've even had a front cover when we filmed 'D-Day; Ultimate Conflict'. We also have a couple more articles in the works with them.

I think maybe as a magazine they're more focused upon the Civil war and Napoleonic guys. From what I've seen of WW2 reenactors in shots from shows they've tended to be the rubbish sort, ie morbidly obese US medics running up and down train platforms with chinstraps and goggles hanging all over the place. Napoleonic and civil war groups do seem to be, across the board, better and more authenticly dressed and presented.
TFH have never had any trouble getting pictures in but I think this is simply because we put a whole lot of effort and time into our photoshoots. I think only us and Tiger 1 'do' photoshoots - any one else?
Mark A - AFRA
grenadier heeder

Post by grenadier heeder »

Ah, well there you have probably summed it up Mark. TFH are "in the bag" as far as SM are concerned. As you offer so many portrayals, all of them very good and respected of course, you are probably SM's one stop shop, so to speak. What need or interest in other facets of axis WW2 would they need? Most hacks are intrinsically lazy and I suppose this formula of one stop shop means SM may cut right across the board with Napoeleonic, Roman, Norman, Star Wars etc.etc,.

Just a theory of mine.

(Please note I've abbreviated Skirmish magazine as "SM". This is not to be confused with that other well known and quality magazine "S & M"......if you know what I mean?)
Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

Cookie please refer to my post - Write the feem chune, play the feem chune sing the feem chune...... TFH obviously do.

Regardless of quality, time, effort etc. We are not as others see us and all - repeat ALL the content in the magazine is FILLER......

When it first kicked off, I did similar and AFRA (Sorry again Jon) made it in to about three issues..... Then later I wrote another chunk of bumf and sent in some snaps.... we got in again..... I remember Bob Sellers doing a worthy set of articles on FJ (and getting some shit for it too!) which were put in.......
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Post by Gliderinf »

Yes some sad "German Basher" Objected to any praise whatsoever of the FJ and insisted that they did lots of running away. :roll:
Gliderinf / Luftlande
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Post by Cookie »

Paul - There's no such thing as a free lunch.
Mark A - AFRA
Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

I'm sorry? I don't follow that remark at all - Where does a free lunch enter the equation?
OK - Le'ts change the analogy - IF I go into a restaraunt, I wanna sit down and be served a meal. At the end of it - I expect to pay. What I don't expect is to have to prep the food, cook the food, serve the food, set the table, eat the meal, clear the table, wash the dishes, put the crockery away, clean the kitchen and then pay the bill!!!!!

If I did I'd deserve the title of MUG.

So please - don't cloud the issue and don't have another hissy kick off fit - We are discussing Skirmish Mag and it's value to US...... :roll:

Contributions to a magazine are fine. But a magazine put out solely on the backs of its contributors? Let's look at Armchair General if we have to digress...... Where a professional, gifted and dedicated photographer, comes up with a subject, goes out and creates the pictures using contributors, then puts together an article....... Something that I as an individual consider puts it and him head and shoulders above Skirmish..... a lazy, typically British product.
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Post by Cookie »

I would say that Armchair general has a fair bit of cash and clout and are, therefore, more proactive in helping and encouraging their contributors.

A word I would use to describe Skirmish and its contributors is 'Amatuer'. This is not in any derogatory way it is just an observation of who the magazine is aimed at; A hobby. The word more fitting to Armchair General is 'professional'. It is glossy and American and caters to a larger and more varied audience. The adverts they attract are an indcation of their raised position.
What it all boils down to is money. It is only right that Skirmish would seek to get as much out of its contributors as possible whilst spending as little as possible. This is like the movie/TV industry. I am sure you, Paul, realize that we are in a hobby. Therefore these people see us as 'enthusiasts' who do what we do for the love of it. We all like to see ourselves in print or on the screen - and if we get there by paying for it or doing it for free then we do - the few times we get paid for the priviledge of it is a bonus (and has to wrangled over). We are not, generally, cold and professional money makers who produce 'product' for 'profit' in a competition driven 'industry'.

What would you have Skirmish do for you Paul? Roll out a red carpet, give you your own trailer and lay on a chuck wagon for the boys? This is the territory of the big players.

With Skirmish Magazine you get out what you put in. As much or as little as you want. There's just no cheques passing hands.

"So please - don't cloud the issue and don't have another hissy kick off fit - We are discussing Skirmish Mag and it's value to US..."

Please don't patronize me Paul. Nobody is kicking off. Do my words not sound objective to you?
Mark A - AFRA
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Post by KDF »

......."Therefore these people see us as 'enthusiasts' who do what we do for the love of it. We all like to see ourselves in print or on the screen - and if we get there by paying for it or doing it for free then we do - the few times we get paid for the priviledge of it is a bonus (and has to wrangled over). We are not, generally, cold and professional money makers who produce 'product' for 'profit' in a competition driven 'industry". .......

Got bad news for you fella.....There are some of us (well me?), who actually dont wish to have their selves on TV or in a photo shoot! It`s almost comical to me to see groups trying to do projects just so that they can say they have been in such and such a Mag or programme...It`s not why I do my hobby. If I wanted to be on TV I`d have joined Blue Peter or some such thingy.

Skirmish is there to make money...nothing else! The number of WW2 re-enactors is probably quite small compared to the rest of the UK`s re-enactors of other periods.

Seems to me that groups trying to bridge the gap between between Allied and Axis groups are doing it off their own back...Who said there`s a gapthat wants bridgeing?
The whole point of THIS forum is for Axis groups to discuss ( and maybe disagree?) Axis matters....Not what have you done for your group or how much have you spent on kit etc

No doubt this will cause further uproar but I`m sure I`m not the only one who`s fed up "seeing" the arguments etc for postings on this forums about matters we are not interested in.....

Dressing up and looking "good" for the camera is not what this hobby is for me.Being a paid extra at £100-£125 a day(with meals and lodgings ), without supplying my own kit is what TV companys pay extras for...Going there and being paid little or nothing is ...quite nothing short of silly.
Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

No one was patronising you - Knowing what thin skin you have, one would not presume to do so,
Nor is one patronising you now.

I think the post above answers most of what I wanted to say in reply.... and written independently by someone with more experience and more years in re-enacting than I.

To answer your direct question - No I'm afraid you don't sound objective
to me.

This poll is running elsewhere and the resutls are about 60/40. Here it is nearly unanimous - So the answer of people's opinions and the difference between them is thre for you and everyone else to see...

We Axis re-enactors feel it has little or nothing to offer us whereas Allied re-enactors feel differently - As you feel as you do, I'd say it places you in a different camp to us..... not quite bridging that gap are we?

(PS - I hadn't noticed there was a gap until "someone" pointed it out to me)

Can I quote someone for you?

As far as I'm concerned it's "Endex!" :wink:
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Post by Cookie »

Fair enough Paul. I guess We all have different ideas and opinions, as this thread has indicated, and we will all continue to persue them in our own ways.

I think that for you to say that the magazine has little or nothing to offer Axis reenactors is not correct. TFH, as you know, had a two issue article about the fall of Berlin. You can't get more Axis than the Fuhrer bunker! 8) And as you also like to keep pointing out; We are not Axis reenactors. So I think there is no malice towards the Axis side of the hobby from Skirmish, or its readership. We've had nothing but positive feedback from it. And we featured everyone from VSt, FJ, French SS and the LAH.

KDF- As I said before, we all do this 'for the love' of it. Each person goes in to it with their own set of criteria. As you say, not everyone wants to get on film or in print and there are those that can be blinded by 'the glory' of the media - hopefully there are not too many of those types involved in this hobby. Anyway, I think you're too old for Blue Peter now...

Mark A - AFRA

Post by BaggyPants »

Cookie wrote:I think that for you to say that the magazine has little or nothing to offer Axis reenactors is not correct.
I think, so far, 22 Axis forces reenactors are expressing that same opinion, compared to 1 vote to the contrary. How can that view be incorrect if it is the same as the vast majority of voters ? :D
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