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Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:02 pm
by Hoover
@Dietmar: Yes, if the nazis would use your very nice flag the German authorities are able to ban it, too.

The banned insignias are banned in public, every collector is allowed to collect and to own them.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:04 pm
by Hoffman Grink
Does this mean also that Pirate re-enactors would be banned or that their ships would have to sail flagless???? :shock:

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:20 pm
by Alex
pirate reenactors, now thats for me!

I heard that Lonsdale sports clothes were going to be banned because neo nazis were using them, apparently because lo-NSDA-le is fairly close to NSDAP, and proved very popular with the thugs. /shrugs shoulders.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:22 pm
by abc123
Of course, the way to get round it is to combine your badges with another groups. Of course, it would look a bit bonkers and nobody would take you seriously. And of course, its already been done. I don't know whether our mob would be better with it or yours would. Special SS Bolshevik Kommando abt 999 (what service do you require) or NKVD tank brigade Adolf Hitler???

The world is going mad comrades. Banning emblems? Mixing them up? Pass me the bucket of sand, I need to put my head in it.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:22 pm
by Hoffman Grink
I'm worried now - I think I may be on some Geheimepolizie list somewhere.....


I was young Officer - It was 1999, It was Wales..... surely you can't hold this against me????

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:24 pm
by Dietmar
Can I just point out that it's not my flag, ahem *cough,cough*
I was just using it as an example of how symbols mean nothing until they are associated with a cause.
This can be easily subverted by misuse, but the only answer is to reaffirm it's true meaning. The Cross of St. George was very nearly subverted by football hooligans and the far right in this country, recently, but to ban its use would have been ridiculous. Instead, there was a popular movement to reclaim it as the national flag of England and it has been flown quite appropriately as such, since. I believe that this was successful up to a point.
In my opinion, the only way to prevent the misuse of symbols is to make sure that as many people as possible are educated in their use in a proper historical context.
To get back on thread, this is why I believe that Bill should be allowed to portray the British Free Corps because it is using those symbols in an historically correct way, although it could be argued that British Free Corps hijacked the three lions, of course.
However, neo-nazis are just that. They are no longer the real thing but are trying to gain some kudos from adopting the symbols of another organisation. They are not members of the NSDAP and never will be, as it no longer exists. It annoys me that the legitimate use of these symbols are banned because of someone's' misappropriation. If anything, they should be sued for copyright ( I think I'll stop ranting now, as I'm beginning to realise that I'm getting very close to condemning myself ).

banning things

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 1:03 pm
by Shergar
the best way to make anything popular is too ban it whether it be nazi symbols , or any thing else . like dietmar has mentioned the george cross flag , its important for any nation to have its symbols but it should such as to embrace the multitudes within the nation and be inclusive off all cultures in the country .

the george cross in my opinion is an ideal symbol that embaces alot off values off what it is to be english and for people born in england regardless off ethnic background or colour or creed .

as for bill , you go for it ,wear your three lions tunic ,our democracy will weather the typhoon and chaos in our society when you wear it , marshall law may be imposed because off it but broad minded people will tolerate and acknowledge your freedom to wear it.

as for the dodgy guy in with the flag , im not so sure our society is ready to have him running about just yet ,ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry paul but you bring out the worst in me .

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 3:50 pm
by Hoover ... n/BFC.html

Just found a list of all known names of BFC mebmers.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 4:54 pm
by Wilhelm
Thanks for the show of interest Frank.

That is a very old list, there has been some up dates since then
and some of the spellings have been changed.

Take a look at :wink:

Cheers, Bill

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 3:19 pm
by FJR6
Bill, I'm curious why you seem to think that I might have this urge to talk to the police about what you want to do. You're old enough to know what's good for you. I'm just telling you that I feel it is not really clever to do SS in Germany.

However, I'd be much more interested to see what hobby-related conclusions this Interessengemeinschaft has reached at Bussum besides authorizing you to wear that SS uniform.
Unfortunately, I must have missed the invitation for that kickoff meeting.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 4:40 pm
by Wilhelm
Hi Volker (FJR6),
authorizing you to wear that SS uniform
It was a "limited" authorization for Baumholder only.... but that is unimportant now because I have changed my mind.

I have seen a "Wochenschau" from 1941 with a Wehrmacht unit marching past the camera. Almost all of the Landser were aged 50 or older, some even 60. It made me feel comfortable with reenacting at my age...
So that is the unit for me! :D

I will be changing the pics in my "Signature Banner" tomorrow.
Bill, I'm curious why you seem to think that I might have this urge to talk to the police about what you want to do.
As I already explained, your sentence was worded like a threat,
I thought I had explained that already?
However, I'd be much more interested to see what hobby-related conclusions this Interessengemeinschaft has reached at Bussum
It was held under the motto: "Bring the hobby to Germany!"
All units promised to pass on any information useful to other groups,
event info, recruits etc. A poster/flyer was discussed in which ALL units in Germany would feature.
We decided to break away from multi-period groups and multi-period forums.
A direct result of the meeting was the setting up of our own WW2 forum in the German language,
exclusive for reenactors in Germany.

If you are interested? I will send you the link.
Unfortunately, I must have missed the invitation for that kickoff meeting.
It was open to every German reenactor at Bussum and you did not tell me that you were not coming.

The next meeting will be Saturday evening at Baumholder.

Cheers, Bill.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 4:49 pm
by FJR6
thanks for filling me in.
Trying to do something together is always better than the lone-ranger stunt. So this was probably a very good step into the right direction.

Seeing the German Reenactment-Board down for so long kinda makes it clear that another place to discuss ideas would be good to have.

I'm planning to attend Baumholder, so I won't miss the next meeting.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 4:55 pm
by Wilhelm
Volker, it is your choice, you can work with us as part of the team
or you can stay out in the cold?

If you chose to be part of the team, then click on the following link....

Cheers, Bill.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:44 pm
by von papen
bfc offensive lol, i doubt anyone except reenactors would know what unit he is protraying most mops will have never heard of the bfc you need ggod guys like him to take the leap forward and start doing something alittle controversial,i dont think there traitors either, it was just common sense to join it surely any of yous would if you thought youd get more food beer and women, is you say no then em well youre strange!
when i went to a show you never even noticed the collar tabs or cuff titles, you just look at that big mg42 and the cool field gear, wel thats what i do anyway

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:14 am
by Helmut Von Moltke
hi, just wanted to share a original Waffen SS propaganda picture of a BFC soldier, with a Norwegian caption.

