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Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:55 am
by Christian_Jaeger
352nd wrote:Hi Jim

I've never seen the Feldbrau M43s tunics being worn by Field Division troops. The only picture, which is still in doubt, is possible Feldbrau M43s being worn by Hermann Goring Division troops. Apart from this photo I've not seen any more possible blue M43s in use apart from some members of Gorings Staff.


As for Feldbrau M44s, I've never seen them and doubt their existance. Most FD troops were issued with Fliegerblouses, when they got transferred to the Heer in 1943, some troops retained these and I assume stock piles already allocated to these units of Luftwaffe uniforms continued to be issued then once depleted they were issued M43 Feldgrau uniforms like the rest of the Army.

The Soldier in the middle has a HG cuff title. He was a member Herrmann Göring Division.
In 1944 the Panzergrendiere of the Hermann Göring Division got Field Grey Uniforms, for better camoflauge and more practical use in combat.

I agree in all points. A Lw-Blue M43 or M44 uniform, so far I know, was never in mass production.
Very few tailor made uniforms maybe could be exsit, but I have found no evidence for it, so far.

But Sturmgeschütz unifoms in Lw-blue, exsited.

Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:06 pm
by 352nd
Did a Luftwaffe M44 ever exist? As I've never heard of one before, I thought it just came in Feldgrau. I assume it probably existed on the drawing board but did any prototypes ever get made?


Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:45 am
by kiler
352nd wrote:Did a Luftwaffe M44 ever exist?
Surely they exist in eastern supliers offer :lol: However never seen them on period photos, but I`ll be more than happy if someone shows me one :wink:

Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:59 pm
by paulmfjr2
I have seen a photo of one from a reputable collector on the Wehrmacht awards forum but I am damned that I can find it!!!!! :evil:

Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:08 pm
by paulmfjr2
Here it is ... 976&page=8

Still no period pic though.

Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:27 am
by kiler
paulmfjr2 wrote:Here it is ... 976&page=8

Still no period pic though.
Sorry for late reply but I couldn`t find LW M44 in this link, just HG panzer wrapers :|

Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:50 am
by paulmfjr2
Its on page 8 post #37.

Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:08 pm
by Stigroadie
Page 3 I think?

Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:34 pm
by paulmfjr2
I always look at posts in reverse order so it was page 8 for me? still post #37 though

Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:26 pm
by badwolf
Hallo to all. I want to express along with my neighbor Markus the enjoyment we both felt at see those great pictures on page 3 from the Luftwaffe Field Division.

A little about Markus. He was a Fallschirmjäger in the 7th Fleiger Division and fought in Narvik, Norway under Eugen Meindl. He then was sent to Crete in a Glider where it crashlanded and slid off a cliff into the sea. He was with the Sturmluftlande Regiment under Meindl. 4 out of eight including the pilot did not survived. Markus did not know how to swim and was paddling like a dog when he saw and hear Meindl say " Get that poor kid out of there before he drowns for Christ sake." Moments later when Markus was helped out of the water he saw Meindl reach out and grab his smock and pulled him onto the rocky land. Then he walked away. Markus then thought to himself "I am going to follow that man beyond the gates of Hell if I have to."

After Crete he enthusiasticaly joined Meindls Division. After it was converted to the 21st Luftwaffe Feld Division he stuck it out for 1 more year. He asked for a transfered for 3 main reasons. 1. The command structer was chaotic, demorolising and infected with mental helth problems (i.e. Attention Deficite Disorder & Attention Hyperactive Disorder) and just plain stupidity and lack of courage.
2. He was hoping for Meindl to return and take command but he never did. And 3, He admits that the Russian Winter scared him and he had enough of it.

Markus was eventually transfered to the Herman Göring Division. His Badges, awards and medals included The Narvik left upper arm plate, the KRETA left arm band, the Paratrooper badge, the Lufwaffe Ground Assault badge (exchanged from the infantry when he join the HD) the 2nd & 1st iron cross, the Russian Winter medal and ended with the rank Hauptfeldwebel. He was captured and treated horribly by the Soviets who striped him off almost all of his medals.

Again thank you for making Markus happy and proud that he is remembersd with admiration.
He is a wonderfull caring sensative man. He has known me for 42 years. In Germany is not uncommon to live in the same house or neiborhood for generations.


Re: Luftwaffe Field Division

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:20 pm
by Stadler
See some of our pictures from this year. Not much, but it's better than nothing ;)