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Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:05 pm
by Peiper
I think Geoff has made some valid points, basicaly something needs to be done
before things get worse, tbh i only caught the jist of the situation halfway through
this subject, i had no idea of this situation but i have never been the "political" type
and dont follow these type of matters, iam neutral but unlike Geoff i dont stay in the
background, right or wrong if i feel something needs to be said i will say it lol, but as
said above this needs to be resolved imho, whether face to face or phone call/pm
however something needs to be done before things escalate further.

Being honest this forum is not perfect but i think we need it as reenactors for
information, event dates etc and would hate to see it go so please try and resolve
this and get the long term members who have left back on here !!!
Regards Peiper

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:46 pm
by geoffpara
Bit surprised as IM'd Stigroadie to ask what might resolve this situation from his perspective as part of a process to bring everyone back on board and some peace and harmony to the forum (am I being too optimistic?). Didn't get a response which was strange as he's normally quick to get back to you as when I recently asked him about helmets and he gave me a contact address. A third party has since told me that he's been banned and a quick look at the membership list shows he's no longer included. I certainly didn't think any of his posts had been so extreme that I would have thought warranted that action being taken.

If it is true that he has been banned can I ask those with the power to reconsider this ban as it does smack of the action of a "cult" where Stigroadie hasn't conformed with 'group think' and those in power have now taken retribution? If Stigroadie was totally out of order in which a 'reasonable person' (and I mean that as in the average informed person) would have banned him then perhaps there needs to be some sort of public justification on the forum as to why such a severe response was taken particularly at this time. Communication is key for any resolution of an issue.

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:52 pm
by geoffpara
Reflecting on my posts in this thread I think the best course of action for me is to withdraw into the background once again and leave this to others in a position to influence the key stakeholders involved. I hope this gets resolved without any more losses to the diversity and quality of the forum.

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:34 pm
by nilznl
Alex would do good to leave the forum in the hands of someone capable of making rational decision until whatever personal issues that are driving his current actions have been resolved.

The masses have likely been quiet because noone likes to board a trainwreck.

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:44 pm
by Bill Medland
I have not been in contact with Alex direct (I have been working at a Railway Museum all day and have just come home),
but I am sure that the forum will settle down and things will be back to normal in due course, the reason for saying that
is because several people who had left the forum are indeed returning.......time will tell, but I am optimistic.

Best wishes, Bill.

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:48 pm
by berlin1945
Willi Klapptisch wrote:I have not been in contact with Alex direct (I have been working at a Railway Museum all day and have just come home),
but I am sure that the forum will settle down and things will be back to normal in due course, the reason for saying that
is because several people who had left the forum are indeed returning.......time will tell, but I am optimistic.

Best wishes, Bill.

Wise words as per normal Bill, the forum will settle and those that have been de activated for what ever reason will be activited I should think as its the way of the world, people have fall outs and make back up again and that would be a good thing.

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:58 pm
by Bill Medland
Yes, I did notice that Stigroadie has been deactivated.

Well at least Stigroadie will not be bombarding me with futher unwanted, unjustified
Private Messages anymore, requesting that I quit this forum and support a walk out.

He had my sympathy until he pulled that stunt early in the week.

Cheers, Bill.

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:16 pm
by Peiper
Alex if you are reading this mate you will have to
let the people who have been kicked out come
back mate
Ive always found you a decent bloke even though
we havent personally met and you stuck up for
me when certain people tried to get me kicked out
and for the very same reason you will have to let
these guys back, simply because it is the right
thing to do, iam not involved in this and iam
speaking impartialy here, but and a big but this
forum is supposed to be for free speaking, you
cant kick people off for speaking their minds,
it smacks of dictatorship and i thought you set
up this forum not to do that but a free thinking
place where like minded people can speak their
minds, everybody knows me on here some may
not like me for whatever reason but they all know
if i think something is wrong i will say it, you will
have to do the right thing, sometimes we have to
eat a shit sandwich but this is the honourable decent
thing my friend :wink:

Regards Peiper

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:31 pm
by sparky
Do you think the banned people and those that have chose to leave will want to come back? I spoke to 3 of said people and they wouldn't dream of it!

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:54 pm
by SchnellMeyer
I really don't know what to say guys. This is a hobby and nothing more , we are meant to be enjoying ourselves and fighting the Allies not our Kamerades . It is a shame to be loosing good people from this forum , if people have personal problems with other forum members then this is NOT the place to wash your dirty washing for all to see .
I do not and will not become involved in personal battles here but as a Mod I will delete posts if I think they are offensive . There is no one person bigger than this forum and I include myself in that .
In the last few weeks we have lost some very good people and this is mainly due to personal problems between members that could possibly have been sorted by talking to one and other .
I have never met Stigroadie in person but recently when I was looking for Blank rounds he came to my rescue and this is what the forum is all about , helping one and other . Can we not stop the back stabbing and move forward please gentlemen .

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:24 pm
by pepperpot
sparky wrote:Do you think the banned people and those that have chose to leave will want to come back? I spoke to 3 of said people and they wouldn't dream of it!
doenst only apply to the one's banned, i know other who have not been banned and left the forum, they have said NEVER AGAIN, too much bitching, (english translation). Oh and its also happening on Chris's forum too. is it contageous?

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:30 pm
by berlin1945
pepperpot wrote:
sparky wrote:Do you think the banned people and those that have chose to leave will want to come back? I spoke to 3 of said people and they wouldn't dream of it!
doenst only apply to the one's banned, i know other who have not been banned and left the forum, they have said NEVER AGAIN, too much bitching, (english translation). Oh and its also happening on Chris's forum too. is it contageous?

People will return when equilibrum is reached and the dust has settled.

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:02 am
by johankreig
Well having read all of this carefully I have to agree with piepers last post, yes they may not want to come back but atleast give them the option, I came to this forum as I was sick of the trash talk on Chris's forum, I like thos forum, people on here are helpfull, even Stig (Tho if memory serves me correct I had an issue with him on the other forum of a similar nature to this one, but that is long gone) Perhaps we should have more of an open "council" style admin, i have helped run froums and also run my own and this approach turned out to be the best way, you have a generic owner account and the rest of the admins/ mods go from there and you discuss things such as the banning of people etc.. to make sure that is the correct action to take, I would realy hate to see this forum fall apart due to missunderstandings, people getting frustrated etc... perhaps we should start a new topic to discuss how we take this from this point.

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:54 am
by berlin1945
this forum has well settled now, there has seldom even been one bad word passing between people on here in ages, which is positive, on the other forum which i am a member of they still quarrel and belittle each other , which is sad

Re: Can cliques be damaging to the continuation of the forum

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:56 am
by johankreig
ah thats good to hear, wasnt sure how far this had gone and for how long, shame about the other forum but from my experiences on there I doubt it will change.