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Re: The Kriegsmarine last Patrol ? A Trip To S.Ireland 19.1.46.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:06 am
by mikebie
This is exactly why I haven't posted on this forum in some time, and I would expect the moderators to rein in the negative 'contributions' which seem to have only one purpose.

Why would you assume that 'surrender' would be the only option? As already stated, and this is an undeniable fact, these men were still in uniform, on an armed vessel, under German military law (like it or not) and subject to the requirements of the service - including the obligation to obey their superiors and defend their newly acquired liberty. We do not know, nor would we ever, the outcome of any such 'scenario' as proposed. We're discussing facts here and a published newspaper article.

Webster's English Dictionary defines a patrol as 'a unit of persons or vehicles employed for reconnaissance, security, or combat'. Clearly and in this particular context, the journalist was correct in his description.

Get over it.

As Pzrwest quite rightly pointed out, the US unilaterally re-classified the mens' status - a clear violation of an internationally agreed treaty..and not the last time either!! - which means little in reality and is merely general semantics (look it up).

Inteligent discussion and argument is good and welcome.

Am I the only one who can see the particular motivation here is as plain as day.


Mike B

Re: The Kriegsmarine last Patrol ? A Trip To S.Ireland 19.1.46.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:12 am
by Jock
Tychsen wrote:The German govermant had ceased to be when Donitz's goverment was arrested , Germany was occupied and her navy had ceased to exist, all craft had been ordered to go to an Allied port flying a black flag - this was the order of the Grand Admiral himself.
The craft which came to Ireland had it been armed would have been in direct violation of the surrender agreement and somehow I can't see the French allowing the Germans to sail "armed".
To be honest it was a daring escape but cannot be called a patrol , if it was a patrol it was an aggressive act and this was hardly the case.
Who would the patrol have been directed against and what would have happened if they had met an Allied vessel - surrender is the obvious outcome.
Boring!!. :roll:

Re: The Kriegsmarine last Patrol ? A Trip To S.Ireland 19.1.46.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:27 pm
by Franz repper
Tychsen wrote: , if it was a patrol it was an aggressive act and this was hardly the case.
Who would the patrol have been directed against and what would have happened if they had met an Allied vessel - surrender is the obvious outcome.
Tychsen sir there are many types of Patrol and not always aggressive and dispite you best efforts this is a intresting post

Re: The Kriegsmarine last Patrol ? A Trip To S.Ireland 19.1.46.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:05 pm
by Franz repper
mikebie wrote:This is exactly why I haven't posted on this forum in some time, and I would expect the moderators to rein in the negative 'contributions' which seem to have only one purpose.

Why would you assume that 'surrender' would be the only option? As already stated, and this is an undeniable fact, these men were still in uniform, on an armed vessel, under German military law (like it or not) and subject to the requirements of the service - including the obligation to obey their superiors and defend their newly acquired liberty. We do not know, nor would we ever, the outcome of any such 'scenario' as proposed. We're discussing facts here and a published newspaper article.

Webster's English Dictionary defines a patrol as 'a unit of persons or vehicles employed for reconnaissance, security, or combat'. Clearly and in this particular context, the journalist was correct in his description.

Get over it.

As Pzrwest quite rightly pointed out, the US unilaterally re-classified the mens' status - a clear violation of an internationally agreed treaty..and not the last time either!! - which means little in reality and is merely general semantics (look it up).

Inteligent discussion and argument is good and welcome.

Am I the only one who can see the particular motivation here is as plain as day.


Mike B
My Good sir I am truly sorry that you dont post on here .I Know all about Tychen and have many times removed his post from my areas that I have mod powers thats why he has stopped posting in there . I enjoy Justins posts I think Justin has Forgoten more then others will ever know ,Please keep posting sir

Re: The Kriegsmarine last Patrol ? A Trip To S.Ireland 19.1.46.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:11 pm
by Jock
Franz repper wrote:
mikebie wrote:This is exactly why I haven't posted on this forum in some time, and I would expect the moderators to rein in the negative 'contributions' which seem to have only one purpose.

Why would you assume that 'surrender' would be the only option? As already stated, and this is an undeniable fact, these men were still in uniform, on an armed vessel, under German military law (like it or not) and subject to the requirements of the service - including the obligation to obey their superiors and defend their newly acquired liberty. We do not know, nor would we ever, the outcome of any such 'scenario' as proposed. We're discussing facts here and a published newspaper article.

Webster's English Dictionary defines a patrol as 'a unit of persons or vehicles employed for reconnaissance, security, or combat'. Clearly and in this particular context, the journalist was correct in his description.

Get over it.

As Pzrwest quite rightly pointed out, the US unilaterally re-classified the mens' status - a clear violation of an internationally agreed treaty..and not the last time either!! - which means little in reality and is merely general semantics (look it up).

Inteligent discussion and argument is good and welcome.

Am I the only one who can see the particular motivation here is as plain as day.


Mike B
My Good sir I am truly sorry that you dont post on here .I Know all about Tychen and have many times removed his post from my areas that I have mod powers thats why he has stopped posting in there . I enjoy Justins posts I think Justin has Forgoten more then others will ever know ,Please keep posting sir
Hear! Hear! Franz.

NOTE: Before anyone nitpicks Hear! hear! That is the correct spelling.

Re: The Kriegsmarine last Patrol ? A Trip To S.Ireland 19.1.46.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:44 am
by mikebie
Thank you Franz and Jock.

Indeed, Justin is a veritable fountain of knowledge...maybe even an oracle. Having had the pleasure of visiting his very own private museum, I have to say I've never met someone as dedicated and passionate about an interest ....... and talk about a child in a sweet shop!!!!.

I have noticed some judicious modding and re-shuffling has gotten rid of a lot of the negativity that pervaded for a long time, from those infamous quarters we all know so well, so kudos to Alex and co. for that.

I look forward to continuing the association and I'm sure we'll have a bevvy or two next year at Duncannon!


Mike B

Re: The Kriegsmarine last Patrol ? A Trip To S.Ireland 19.1.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:14 pm
by Tychsen
7 years further on looking back and reading this - must say I come across as a bit of a pratt.
In the time between now and then Justin and I have had a number of very positive contacts and have met shook hands and life has moved on , so anyone redaing this now , an apology for my behaviour which was well out of order.

Re: The Kriegsmarine last Patrol ? A Trip To S.Ireland 19.1.

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:51 pm
by askhati
Tychsen wrote:7 years further on looking back and reading this - must say I come across as a bit of a pratt.
In the time between now and then Justin and I have had a number of very positive contacts and have met shook hands and life has moved on , so anyone redaing this now , an apology for my behaviour which was well out of order.
2013 - 2008 = 7 ? :P


Re: The Kriegsmarine last Patrol ? A Trip To S.Ireland 19.1.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:46 pm
by SchnellMeyer
Thanks James , time has moved on alot since then . And we are all a little wiser , the past is the past and we have cleared up alot since then . Here is to a brighter future :D

Re: The Kriegsmarine last Patrol ? A Trip To S.Ireland 19.1.

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:36 pm
by Tychsen
2013 - 2008 = 7 ? :P
My bank manger tells me the same , colour blind and can't count.... that - minus thing ...... and the letter asking for money . :)

Thank you Justin , better times ahead for all.