ha ha ha really?????

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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by majorsmith »

the ww2 forum is garbage, i cant believe some of the comments on there :(

Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by Peiper »

TBH thats the trouble with these small type of events especially these railway/1940's
events you get a lot of knob heads turning up, basically only "official" reenactors/clubs
should be admitted imho

These knob heads who have one outfit and go to one event a year dressed like Himmler
or Heydrich shouldn't be allowed imho, they give the rest of us reenactors a bad name, the
media love this type of thing, they relish it, stop these buffoons going and it wouldn't happen

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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by barnaclebill »

Jeez its up to 20 pages over there now :roll:
Matt, 85th Gebirgsjager, part of the '39-45 Society'.
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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by Brigardefuhrer »

Twenty page's and the real question was not answered,was it right to ask a jewish couple to wear a yellow star and look like refugees...short answer NO!,the Luftwaffe guys as far as I know they were there as part of a group and the organiisers stipulated NO SS uniforms were allowed or swastikas which I assume they meant flags.The press then had to blow up sections of the photo's to reveal the breast eagles clutching swastikas in their talons,oh and because one person had a moustache he must be Hitler!.It doe's not matter if you are part of a group or not,the press will think you are fair game,they are only after a 'story' whether it effects you personally because of it,means nothing to them.
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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by Gliderinf »

"was it right to ask a jewish couple to wear a yellow star and look like refugees...short answer NO!"

Are we not pretty sure that it never actually happened ?
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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by SplinterB »

The guys where aparently part of Northern forties, however ive got a mant in that group, and he said they wernt officaly atending.
Love the fact that the press are so ignorant, i have a swastika on my uniform so i must be a nazi.... lmao do they not realise that everything in Grmany had F***king swastika on it since the 1930's.
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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by stefan »

To be honest although much of it is total BOLL##KS the real point is that at a railway
event you need a different approach as to how you depict Axis troops, you get a different sort of punter
at these events from your full on WW2 land rovers and green stuff in a field type of gig

more tact is needed around the display of what some see as offensive symbols such as runes, large swastika flags etc etc
as many who attend think its a chance to ride on a steam train and see the odd tommy, yank or spiv and reminisce on how
life use to be in 40s England just as the posters that advertise such events depict , not a horde of storm troopers and
a larger than life Herman Goring in full dress uniform

IMHO one station should be set aside to just Axis to create a sort of what if scenario and that way the public can choose
to go and see of avoid if easily offended that way its up to you and there is a selling point for organizers to say" come visit
the German exhibit and see what may have been if you dare" that way 90% remains home front and only 10% is up to you if you fancy it or just stare from the window of your carriage at what it may have looked like

Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by Peiper »

Yes i agree Stefan, some good ideas/points.
Trouble is though that even then you get the wannabe Nazi's that turn up
and spoil things, these people are not reenactors but just dress up in their
political uniforms for the day and think its fun, they do it to shock i reckon
but they don't know the damage they are doing to the official reenactors.

At these type of small events if the organizers want German portrayment
they should invite official groups along, that way it will all be done in good
taste and not offensively as it is at the moment with these "Nazi's for a day"
idiots who should be turned away imho, the thing is most of the time these
outfits they wear are not even authentic or correct, it is just laughable :roll:

I saw some last year at Bridgenorth SVR, at this one if iam not attending the battle
they stage at Highly station i usually wear a harmless Allied outfit such as a flyer/
airman, and even when i do the battle it is just the inoffensive average German
Infantryman portrayal but some of the charactures that were there hadn't got a
clue, most of them had found a stupid looking hat and an East German jacket
they had tricked out with a Swastika armband and a chestfull of badges and
cheap copies at that.

Looking at them from a reenactors pov i feel like telling them that they look
ridiculous and to bugger off out of it, they annoy me tbh, after all the trouble
and expense that we reenactors take with our portrayments these buffoons
turn up at public events looking like that, but to the average mop they are
classed as "reenactors" but this gives us a bad name and brings down our
hobby imho....grrrrrr :evil:

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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by Gusbucket13 »

The events where the press subject re-enactors to villification should be boycotted by all re-enactors - they screw with us - give them the finger,
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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by johankreig »

from what I have heared the SS were randoms, and the press may well have been the ones who asked the couple the question, plus the same couple have been to the event each year and allways an incident happens with jews, they also often complain about the nazis there.
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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by flyingace »

to me its just media bullshite there all as bad as each other weather their a broadsheet or a tabloid and unfortunatly people are ignorent and belive its gospel. unfortunatly this craps always gonna try and pop up because shite sells !!!
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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by barnaclebill »

Gusbucket13 wrote:The events where the press subject re-enactors to villification should be boycotted by all re-enactors - they screw with us - give them the finger,
IMHO ... Well that's one view but is it the fault of the event? Not really. It is extremly difficult to control journo access at a railway event. How many people have professional looking cameras at a railway gig? Beside, the rialways probably want some press in for publicity, not that kind of course.

Even 'Nazis for a day' look like "a re-enactor" to a railway ticket office. We have even tried to put our guys on the gate to check people coming in but they just 'cock a deaf un' if challenged and just waved a ticket at most and walked on by. Officially without the authority of being a railway employee there is nothing we as re-enactors can legally do about it. We are screwed either way.
Matt, 85th Gebirgsjager, part of the '39-45 Society'.
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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by pepperpot »

seems to wrok ok at great central rly with 2 germanised platforms. if they were getting complaints why ask "us" specifically to return each year.
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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by grieffenberg »

there is sadly still a lot of old hatred, it was something i had to deal with when i moved to north America from Germany in 96. People who had nothing to do with the war tend to forget that a lot of German men and women that served during that period, were very much like the men and women of the allied nations. That being said i have spoken to a lot of historians and WW2 veterans, and it seems that the same hatred is not present there. in some cases the exact opposite, some of the veterns from the allied forces had a great deal of respect for there German counterparts. when the day was done I am sure that like every soilder they just wanted to get home to there families.

hope that makes sense, its very late and I keep promising myself that I will not post on forums when tired :lol:
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Re: ha ha ha really?????

Post by field grey fox »

crazy really! when we do gcr the staff at birstall station allow us to fly the battle flag from thiere flagpole & as far as i know no ones objected yet! public always seem to enjoy coming down to the axis stations where they get theire passes checked on the platform or have spot checks on the trains! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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