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Panzerlied - Movie

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:40 am
by 12 SS Panzer Div.
Hey guys,

I love films and movies. So this summer, I was going to get together with some guys, pool in the money, and make a war film.

I am in the midst of writing the scripts and sub-scripts for the movie. It is called Panzerlied. It is about a group of young German boys (teenagers) who enlist into the German military to fight off Communism from getting to their Fatherland, in October of 1944. As the movie goes on, the main German boy's friends keep dieing one by one until it is just him left in Berlin 1945 where he will make his last stand...

It is going to both be an interesting story, but also emotional. Showing how the war actually was. Not what propaganda told people. I have many ideas in my head for this, and I think it will be great.

In the Berlin 1945 scene at the end, I was going to have a twelve year old Volkssturm child with a Volkssturmgewehr 1-5 assault rifle playing a piano during a lull in fighting. The main character was going to slowly walk up to the child playing a beautiful song, and sit down and start playing with him. They stop playing after a while and smile at each other nervously, and then a Soviet with a PPSH-41 comes into view out of a near by window, and shoots the child, then starting the main character's last stand. This idea came to me a few weeks ago. I have a mind for this stuff.

I just wanted to see how many of you would support this and if you have any suggestions, please comment. :wink:

Re: Panzerlied - Movie

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:46 pm
by grenadier Biermann
Sounds interesting, Good luck with filming