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Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendarmerie.......

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:37 pm
by Hoffman Grink
As most of you know - Pete Skillman is organising another of his total immersion tacticals on the above date.

I have taken on the responsibility for organising the FG component of the German troops. I will be subordinate to Darren(FJR6) Collins and Manny (Many hats - FJR2) Traynor who are 1IC and 2IC respectively.

The plan is to recruit a scratch group of good quality German Re-enactor/Living Historians who want something new and feel they wish to work with others. This grouping is just for this event and will not impact on any established group or organisation. Recently we have seen Allied and German groups combine their talents and resources and produce some startling results. I think we can do the same.
If you have the following and in this order, please consider dropping me a PM - I am going to put this together over the next few months and will take advice of anyone with good suggestions to make.....

1) The Right Attitude - You want to come to an event and give 100%. You want to bring the correct period equipment, uniforms, food, tentage etc. and you want to "live the dream" for two days.
2) The Right Kit - Having read the published kit list you have or are willing to get the correct uniform, insignia and equipment to carry out your role
3) The Desire to Work as a Team - You want to come together with other people from groups outside of your own for a one off experience. You are prepared to work either as a Troop Commander or a Subordinate to achieve the goals set. You can put aside intergroup rivalry and prejudice and are more than prepared to give everyone around you a level playing field.
4) The Stamina - It may be tough. You will be expected to live outdoors, in basic conditions and you will be given tasks that you will be expected to carry out willingly. Looking for fit, resilient people who don't give in.
5) The Right Skills - We are looking for people who have a sense of discipline as well as a sense of fun. We are looking for people who can negotiate, who can lead and who can follow. We want people who can build a shelter, light a fire, keep warm at night, dry in the rain and feed themselves as well as keeping hydrated. We want people who are safe and competent with firearms as well as completely responsible in their use and care (more on this later). We want mature people with a sense of fun in the right places....... You'll need a sense of humour just to keep going........
6) Vehicles - We are looking for Krads, Kombis, Kubels, Trucks, Light Armour - in fact anything and anything the FG would have been issued with. A comms vehicle would be marvellous even if only static. The intention is to have a highly mobile force which will police (not pantomime "Papieren Bitte) both the rear areas and the frontline. It will guard intersections. It will provide security for HQ and Defensive positions and it will also act as re-inforcements when the line is in danger of breaking. So mobility will be the key.
7) Communication Equipment - One concession to the modern world will be that we want to hook up the Zugs and Abteilungs with the CP in order that we can receive reports and issue instructions quickly. This is a tricky one with so much kit out there...... but one way or another we will get something resembling a net working and we will use it to the best of our ability.....

OK - this is fairly comprehensive but will be refined as the months pass.

I'm looking for up to THIRTY PEOPLE so this is an ambitious project. It would be nice to get 3 10 man sections together which we can rotate during the exercise. If more sedentary people want to volunteer for HQ roles etc. then please don't hesitate to contact me. We will be looking at a proper command structure of Officers, Troop Leaders, Squad Leaders and Men. Rank on your uniform can be as is - there were lots of NCOs - We will also try to put you together in the correct groupings - WH/SS/LW.

Duties will include
Traffic Control.
Maintaining order and discipline.
Disarming, searching, collection and escort of POWs and stragglers.
Supervision of civilian population in occupied areas.
Checking papers of soldiers on leave and in transit.
Apprehending deserters.
Control of evacuees and refugees during retreats.
Border control and anti-partisan duties.

In reality we aim to be the German Marshalling Force - Ensuring the weekend runs smoothly and German Forces perform as well as they can - If you are trigger happy and want to get some in, we may not be for you - On the other hand if you want to carry a weapon with the possibility that you will get to use it in some desperate holding action - but might not even fire it all weekend - sign up here. This is about trying to recreate a Field Police unit one weekend in April - It's also about exploring working with other people to produce something worthwhile. I hope the FG guys out there will respond to this - Even if you don't do FG and are prepared to badge up and do the job - I'd love to hear from you. I don't intend to do this Mickey Mouse - I want to do it right - and will need help to do that. As usual - you will get the PD promise - I try to look after everyone as well as I can - IF you join up - I will put together something special - I'll look after folks. WE will set up properly, live well, eat well and fight well. I will go the extra mile for "my guys" even if it's only for two days. All I ask is that you come and go the extra mile for me and your kameraden.

PM me your interest - Feel free to discuss stuff on here - Keep your eyes open for kit lists and developments.

Thank you for reading.

Re: Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendermerie.......

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:28 pm
by Hoffman Grink
Interest already on this...... Thanks guys.

If you start the title your PM with PipPark it will go into a folder in my PMs which allows me to sort things quickly......

What's already emerging is - some people are not sure if they will be up to charging around in April all weekend - So let's say there will be places for Admin at HQ - If you are knocking on a bit or not massively fit - don't be put off...... HQ Security and Admin could be for you - We might outnumber the Allies on our own at this rate!

This job will need some very capable and experienced NCOs....... put your CVs in Herren! :lol:

Re: Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendarmerie.......

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:39 pm
by Pete Skillman
Just to help answer some possible querries, The German HQ although NOT set in stone yet by Manny/Darren has in the past been set up at the old farm where the water point is, there is no firing at this area due to horses stabled near by and in fact will be way behind the front line for that anyway.
Its a good place for the field kitchen/HQ and other rear area types to be situated, owever ith the new areas accessed if it goes there its quite lop sided and not centraly placed...for ease of command.However if we can get MC Combos and decent radios that wont prove to be a problem.
Dave Page is trying to get his huge Mercedes Truck and radio kit there to give the comms area "the look"...hopefully Les Hearn will come along as well, sani area would be good as the Allied side will have a medic section in operation for the hit to report in to...


Re: Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendarmerie.......

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:20 pm
by nelz
Sounds good Paul , would a combo, a kubel replica and if I get it finished in time , a kfz15 command/radio car be of any use ?

Re: Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendarmerie.......

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:02 pm
by Hoffman Grink
Absolutely Nelz! Thank you. I would imagine it would go some way towards persuading people to come as they will be needed to crew this flotilla!!!!!

Re: Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendarmerie.......

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:42 pm
by Hoffman Grink
Interest in this is steadily flowing in - Thank you to those who have responded so far. Some of the questions asked have been answered by Pete. Others I truthfully can't answer yet. What is needed is for people to actually contact me with an interest and once we get a good number of bodies we can bring it together and start to plan.
Can I stress? I am organising this. By that I mean I am doing the legwork, the co-ordination and the networking. Once we get it up and running - Delegation will be the key - We will sort out Squad Leaders and build squads that are comfy working together - Those Squads will be the ones in the field and will be almost autonomous, working within the brief given and relaying information back and forth and receiving intel and orders back........

The field kitchen has contacted me and I'm going to talk to members of that at Levisham next month (October) with a view to sorting out your messing arrangements.

I also, like Pete and other key personnel want to stress - This is a Living History weekend concerned mainly with getting into the field, living using period clothing, equipment and vehicles. Trigger time is only a very minor consideration - You could even come and do this with a deact! Lots of us dress up as Feldgendarmerie with our rubber coats, stahlhelms and goggles - the ringkragen hanging round out necks...... and it's a great military image. But this is now your opportunity to bring all that together and actually live the role. Those guys who have contacted me have all to some degree put this into words. I think it's an exciting prospect and I am happy to have good German re-enactors who may not at this time portray FG come, badge up and join in. So if you are not 100% frontline fit (but you will need to be fit and active) and still want to do a weekend event - get in touch. You will find yourself in some bloody good company it seems!

Re: Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendarmerie.......

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:45 am
by barryG
All sounding fantastic, just what us FGs want as opposed to just looking after our displays etc.

Re: Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendarmerie.......

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:00 pm
by Hoffman Grink
In response to another question being frequently asked - Pete Skillman is the man to speak to about hospitals and other stuff - But as it's frontline he's looking for Sanitater and Artz of the male persuasion - Women would not have been as close to the frontline as this is being set.

Re: Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendarmerie.......

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:29 am
by barryG
A thought for the future, the ladies never really get the opportunity to do this sort of scenario. I think a little artistic licence would be OK so that those ladies that want to take their reenacting a bit further can do so, wouldnt be too hard to set up something away from the front line?

Re: Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendarmerie.......

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:59 pm
by Matelot
I'm with Paul on this, that women in the frontline, and for this cenario would be a rareity, however, if agreed upon by those other organising, perhaps a female typist could help us out at the CP ie writing orders. Making tea,sandwiches....JOKING!!!!

Like i said, this descision is to be made with the agreement of all those organising.

Re: Pippingford Park 21/22 April 2012 FeldGendarmerie.......

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:36 am
by barryG
I never meant for this scenario, just in future maybe something for the excellent and growing band of female axis reenactors. Would be easy to set up a rear line scenario, but not really 10 miles behind the lines... hence the artistic licence bit!

Anyway, gone off topic... sorry.