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Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:29 pm
by Alex

am not the best german speaker, so I'll leave it to you professionals. Would just like to say from the out that I really hope for good things for this little corner, and I wish you all the best with it :)

Just a couple of things, there will be the odd person in here who is trying to speak german, but badly, by all means correct him (he will appreciate that am sure!) but don't be horrid. As long as people at least try to speak only german here (except for me, am hoping Willi will edit this post into perfect german hehe), everyone will get along fine.

Also, please be aware that the legality of anything you post is dependent on your location. Am hoping there will not be too much friction with all the different rules and laws every country seems to have.




Re: Hallo!

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:23 am
by Bill Medland
Thank you for your support Alex and your kind words of encouragement :D

An alle deutschen Leser

Wir kennen alle die Selbstzensur in deutschen Foren (z.B. Bilder mit Tarnfleck usw).
Alex wiederum hat sich die Freiheit genommen, diesen Teil des Forums zu erstellen,
in dem entsprechende Themen in der deutschen Sprache diskutiert werden können,
was in unsrer Heimat bedauerlicherweise nicht möglich ist.

Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung,

Das Mod-Team

Re: Hallo!

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:16 pm
by Ohmhagen
Hi Bill & Alex,

ich danke euch für die Mühe, die ihr euch gemacht habt und werde das Forum in unserer gruppe intern vorstellen. Wir wollen doch mal sehen, ob es nicht auch noch Reenactoren in Deutschland gibt, denen die Freiheit der rede und des denklens wichtiger ist, als political correctness.
