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Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:05 pm
by rommel
Lads and ladies
On behalf of the Munster Military vehicle and Reenactment group , myself and Emmet and all behind the scenes i would like to say a big thank you to all who attended and made this event the best one we had yet . I know everyone who attended said the sun made it but it was really the suport and commitment from all involved , from the one man displays to the 15 and 20 member display teams , exhibitors , traders and stall holders some with their own display teams , airsoft groups , clubs and airsoft traders from all over Ireland . Well done all .
We feed everyone amazingly on both days with a fine dinner in the evening and a good bar b q on Sunday night topped it all off witheveryone together . I have to say there was a great atmosphere around that fire that night with reenacators and traders and locals involved . Lovely night .
To all the new groups and people who came , thanks , Ken and his celtic warrior men , impressive display and weapons handling in the moat . Paul Merton was highly impressed by it all especially at the axe throwing , Tuatha De Barra and all involved , The Great war Society and Graeme Evans and his lads who travelled from the North . Frontline and , the WHLA , SGNord ,Die Gruppe and all the lads who travelled down from the North also , including Winston Churchill he stole the show especially in front of the cameras , priceless
Sean Curtis and his constantly expanding group , well done all , we will reciprocate for Salute in force , Tom O Neil and Eugene for their impresive display and the way they dealt with the public all day each day , well done guys , ye had yere hands full
Romans Ireland for the fantastic camp and displays that really wowed the publis both on the square and down the moat , I regretted i just could not gear up and be part of it as i was on the go non stiop with the show but ye didnt need me , ye had plenty good men there already , im delighted ye got a good slot with the BBc lads and hopefully willl be aired in October or very early November , ye did the Romans Irlenad group and Duncannon show proud also
Battle group south and War group , ye know the story , thanks for the supreme effort since last week , all through the week and right up to the early hours of this morning.

And a special thanks to the mighty JOCK and the lads and lassie who came form the UK with Jock representing KSK kampfgruppe StahlKrieger , thanks guys and girls

its important to note , when the show finished on Sunday night , many of the lads worked on all day monday , cleaning up the area , disassembling the various displays , loading vehicles and handing back the fort the way we got it . Also we moved alot of gear and equipment for group swho had transport problems .
Vehicles were on the road all day yesterday and the last vehicles reached Cork at 11 on monday night . We then had to return these drivers back to Waterford to collect their own cars and myself and several of the other lads finished this morning about 3 am after our return trip to Water ford . And we made it to work today , just about .
So if my thank you was slow then i apologise as i am only in from Work now .

I will give plenty notice of when the show with Paul Merton will be aired but i am informed its late october or there abouts .

So finally to all , Go raibh maith agat , Danke , Merci , Thank you , Ta Ta , etc etc one and all for a magnificent weekend , i will post a video clip and phots over the next week when i unpack and im sure it will bring back a few nice memories to all present


Joe O Toole
Duncannon 2009
PP. Emmet Kennedy and the MUnster Miliatry Vehicle and Reenactment GroupIrelands largest German military vehicle and reenactments group

Re: Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:01 pm
by dagda
Well done that man and Emmet!! It must take an immense amount of work to get it sorted. I , and the rest of the FJ enjoyed ourselves immensely!!

Great stuff!!

Re: Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:25 am
by SchnellMeyer
Meine Gott , I think he forgot nobody that Rommel . On a serious note , it was by far the best show todate for sure .We were blessed with Fuhrer weather all week , sun , fun and a few beers what more could one ask for . Many thanks to all those that did attend and make the show such a success . Looking forward to working with all of yea again soon.

Re: Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:48 am
by Duchess
Link to some photos from the weekend.

Re: Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:38 pm
by rommel
some pics of the battle on Saturday evening . Paul Merton and his film crew were there so i am informed this will go out in October on the BBC , enjoy the pics



Re: Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:50 pm
by Tychsen
A good selection of photos , thank you.

Re: Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:39 pm
by Franz repper
Well done lads looks like the show to go too ,I must try nextyear

Re: Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:04 pm
by Liebstandarte
Another sucessful event. Well done to all and thanks for having our small UK contingent aboard. There are far to many people to namecheck, but the hand of Memelonia watches Sean :wink:
Excellent venue, excellent weather and truly great Kameraden !!!!
Michelle enjoyed her time there, and proved quite the hit, as th only DRK rep there 8)
Once again - CHEERS !!! (How many sleeps `till next years event ??)

Re: Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:29 pm
by Panzerrob
Great pic's lads, well done.

Re: Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:52 pm
by SchnellMeyer
Thanks Robbie , great to see what can be achieved by hard work and clubs pulling together.

Re: Duncannon 2009 thank you all

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:02 am
by rommel
heres a few i got sent to me , ha ha

