reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

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Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by SSnez »

' but will find difficulty moving!!!!!!'

Bring on the blatfest. Stand and Deliver :lol: :wink:
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Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by poteau rottenfurer »

Sometimes having an interest in both sides of the coin helps research i.e not just buying books based on either the Allied or Axis forces,dependent on what you re-enact
For examaple ,There is an excellent book called Battles East of Elsenborn by Will Cavanagh who was a student of Charles B MacDonald ,the US Army Historian and a company commander during the war.
It focus`s on the attempts to open up the Rollbahns around Krinklet /Rocherath ( A&B) where Volksgrenadier and 12 SS fought 99th and 2nd US infantry.
From what I can remember of pictures which are attributed to that fighting ,SS troops,which can only then be HJ,are seen mainly wearing wools with layers underneath and white "snow suits".
Sometimes because the book is written from the viewpoint of US forces ,you get images of German Prisoners and dead you would not see if it was written from a german POV- Hence my point!!!!
This is concurrent with the many other images of SS troops fighting in the bulge plus or minus the "snow suit"
Im no expert,but that would lead me to think on baseing an impression of 12 SS that reversble winter wear was not a common clothing option in the bulge for the 12 or any other SS unit.Possibly there are some images of 9th SS around Bastogne (prisoners) wearing reversibles but I would have to check

dave g

Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by West-Front »

Hoffman Grink wrote:If in doubt - and you want to keep warm during the winter - Get a Mantel........ Failing that - get a dot suit that is large enough to go over your feldgrau........ it's what they did. Pair that up with a Roll neck sweater under the tunic and some longjohns (thermals will work), a Toque and some earwarmers........ Knitted gloves and a scarf will complete the issue look and keep you warm.
Or wear everything you own to keep warm :wink:
60403_1407408627649_1305422250_30956990_3192960_n.jpg (77.83 KiB) Viewed 5285 times
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Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by poteau rottenfurer »

guy on the right looks like he might have US Leggings on?
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Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by Zoepf »

Styrian gamaschen maybe? Maybe they are 6.SS?
Hoffman Grink

Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by Hoffman Grink »

Man on left has dot jacket UNDER Wools tunic and dot trou OVER Wool. Mantel and then what looks like a US raincoat.......
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Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by SSnez »

Nice post there dave g
 Yes did discuss with my brother about looking at it from the US side may give us more of an idea on what they wore when photographed either captured or dead. Thanks for that
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Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by SSnez »

I'm liking that look 'west-front' including the flock
Of seagulls haircut, but not sure me Mam will let me borrow her oven gloves :lol:
"When I was bound apprentice in famous Lincolnshire"
Hoffman Grink

Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by Hoffman Grink »

What you SHOULD be asking is
"Who am doing best repro US raincoat?" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by West-Front »

You can learn a lot from POW photos. Such as how does Joel / Repper stay so young looking (second from the right)
318541_2006392961883_1305422250_31771686_596755693_n.jpg (56.08 KiB) Viewed 5247 times
Recently captured German prisoners of war from the New Zealand sector of the 8th Army Front in Italy, awaiting transport. George Kaye Sangro River region 16 December 1943.
Hoffman Grink

Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by Hoffman Grink »

Like "Always hold your morsel of dry bread between forefinger and thumb and chew thoughtfully"
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Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by Jugend Repper »

their not rain coats in the photo but there is place in the US that make em even though there totaly wrong from what i hear

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Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by Peiper »

The US rubberized ground sheet is the "captured Ardennes winter collection" lol :lol:

Seriously i agree with SS-Para on this one, unless you see a myriad of photos showing
a particular Regt/Formation wearing these items i wouldn't wear one personally, just due to
the fact obviously these Parkas were'nt worn by the 12th/SS in vast numbers, as was said
you may get the odd one or two appearing on photographs but not worn as a rule, if you
are portraying a particular Regt it is best sticking to the norm and what was worn rather
than seeing a piece of kit and thinking "Hmmmm that looks the mutts, i'll have that",
however you may ignore all this advice and wear what you want to wear lol, it is after all
a free Country, just my two cents :wink:

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Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by SSnez »

Some really good posts on this topic and a good lay out of what the 12th would and wouldn't wear. I guess everyone has a slightly different view on matters and thankyou for enlightening me on the right and wrongs. now I can go away with knowledge youvd all shared and maybe in the future i can build a nice CORRECT 'winter' senario kit.
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Re: reversible parkas for the 12thSSHJ ??

Post by Hauser »

Hi SSnez i Look forward to seeing you at our next meet ! and wearing what ever you decide on regards Rich :D ps just wondered if your at the meal ? if so see you there !
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