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Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:42 am
by Franz repper
Herr colonel Feel Free to post on here any time as I for one am most intrested in this unit I had heard of it some time back from a family member who served in it (I think but did not take much intrest sadly )

Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:14 pm
by colonel blimp
Thanks gents - one of the funny things is how close so much of the british mountain troopers equipment was to Axis gear. It was either modelled on the pre-war Norwegian stuff or on later Gerbirg equipment - it makes identifying the British Mountain trooper quite difficult at first glance. So much so the organisers of a 'No Axis' event tried to turn us away a couple of weeks ago as he didn't believe we were portraying Allied troops.

Once he was told we were Lovat Scouts, he asked what we had to do with the Boy Scouts ... and I honestly don't think he was joking :lol: :lol: :shock:

Adds a whole new meaning to the Boy Scouts "Be Prepared" motto.

I'll post up some pi9ctures over the next week there's doubtless some nicer examples out there in other people's collections and I'd love to see them.

Take care all


Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:16 pm
by Heeresbergführer
Grüß Di' Bergkamerad Paul (Greetings Mountain Comrade)

Good to have you on the mountain! Love to see more British mountain kit. I have a few pieces in my collection, along with US 10th Mountain, Italian Alpini, and odds-n-ends from some other countries with mountain troops.





'Je suis prest'


Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:21 pm
by colonel blimp
Many thanks for the welcome. You know I could really go off some people, Patrick - if they didn't have such a fantastic collection of mountain equipment :lol: Seriously, I'm in awe and envy - it's not just your windproofs that are green :oops: :D

What a shame you're not in the UK - you'd be a one man rallying point for whole mountain troop hobby over here :wink:

I'll sort the bits of kit out in the next few days - have to pack them for an event this weekend anyway.

Just cleaned up a very nice Stubai piton hammer this weekend - be interested in what people think of it's age - plus taken delivery of some nice Tricouni nails from Michael Chessler.

Anyway better go and get some kip - health and safety lectures in the morning and I@m givning them :roll:

Cheers all


Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:41 pm
by colonel blimp
Since I managed to kill this topic stone dead, it's only fair I have a go at redressing the balance.

It snowed here today (bit of a rartity in the UK for it to last longer than a couple of hours :D) So we did a quick trip into the park to try out the snow cammo -


Comment and derision (I know I need to lose weight :roll: :lol: ) is invited.


Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:11 pm
by Rick
For me it was how the Gebirgsjager distinguished themselves as extremely professional soldiers, under some extremely harsh environments and conditions throughout the war.
I find the kit and tactics they used are some of the most interesting of the conflict.
Its quite a privilege to portray them in a well known group.

Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:04 pm
by Graxlhuber
Habe de ehre Bergkameraden,
for me it is cause my grandfather was one- never met him- but heard a lot of interesting things. After a lot of research I found out that those guys were absolutly special in everything they did. So here I am.
I guess that's why I'm an Gebirgjäger, too.

Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:04 pm
by Wolfenberg
I choose "the Gebirgsjägersimpression" because I like very much mountaineering and doing this way I can combine my two passions: reenactment and mountaineering.

Hurrah Die Gams!!!



Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:25 am
by Obergefreiter Hansch
Are you and Albert in the same unit Wolfi?


Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:14 pm
by Wolfenberg
Yes We do!!!! 8)

Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:48 pm
by gebirgsjaeger100
Wolfi is my best Berg-Kamerade!
Hurra, die Gams!
Albert "Schulz"

Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:00 am
by Wolfenberg
Vielen Dank meine Spiess!!

For me is a great pleasure to "share" mountaineering experiences with you (and with your wonderful family!!!) 8)

Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:46 pm
by gebirgs soldat
I know this topic/poll closed... but here goes. I have always been a rock climber... when I got OUT of the active duty Air Force, I was climbing nearly every day after my classes (college). In Los Angeles there is a famous local hill/crag called stony point. I used to go there with a friend who was an expert. He taught me everything but ice climbing.. My friend is dead now, I've now got a family and my wife doesn't want me to climb as much.. But after reenacting WWII G.I., Fallschirm & regular Heer, I'm ready for something special... and the Gebirgstruppen were that! WALT

p.s. I'm still in the AF reserve (after 30 years!)

Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:03 pm
by Ryan
Hey guys, this is my 1st post on here. Just to forewarn you, I'm an airsofter with an interest in the Wehrmacht, not a re-enactor. Thankfully I combine my Wehrmacht interest with airsoft at POW near Falkirk

As sad as it may sound, although I personally think it's as good a reason as any, I am choosing a Gebirgsjager impression due to reading "Sniper On The Eastern Front" by Albrecht Wacker. I'm sure some, if not most of you, will be aware of this book and the person it's based around, Josef Allerberger (Knight's Cross), a sniper with II Battalion, Gebirgsjager Regiment 144 (GJR 144) of 3 Gebirgsjager Division (3 GD).

The book inspired me to look into the history of the GJ and I liked what I found. While everyone else is doing SS or FJ impressions, I fancied something quite different, but equally recognisable and interesting. I like the fact that the GJ have their own unique uniform items too. My impression is very generalised (late war) at the moment with no specific tell-tale unit insignia or kit. I'm currently using a Tan & Water smock and trousers, with putees, G43 pouches, Y-straps, bread bag, and a field green helmet. On my list to buy this month is an AGM MP40 (all good Landsers should have one) and then an M43 tunic with the relevant GJ insignia. I'll most likely stick with Obergefreiter rank as a homage to Allerberger, which may even allow me to get a Knights Cross too (won't be to everyone's liking but that's life).

Re: Why did you choose the Gebirgsjager impression ?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:57 pm
by 1.GD Blumenteufel
That`s a real part of my family history, my grandfather was Gebirgsjaeger in the 1 Gebirgsdivision.
