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Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:32 am
by Gren-Schell
I actually prefer the private battles to public one's. At public shows.. there's a lot of sitting around doing nothing, or hours of aimless bimbling, waiting for the battle to start.
At private events, you can get into your character a bit more and your unit can begin to act like a proper zug, with proper tactics etc (unlike 2 lines facing each other and blatting away until one side dies). I also like stocking up with a days field rations and ammo and running about like a demented idiot until the whistle blows at the end of the day, and I walk back to my pit... shagged and filthy. Private battles also tend to attract a hardier re-enactor, and not just uniform carriers, which also makes the event for me.
Plus, you get to execute prisoners... ONLY JOKING!!!! :wink: :wink:

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:16 pm
by les hearn
public battles are a necessity in this game now as they attract the public

all public battles need scripting
they are not put on for us to have fun ............

saying that we do tend to enjoy em a little

private training events are a good way for us to learn how to use our skills in front of the public.
after all when we are in a public battle we have to do it correctly
we can only learn this by the way of private training events.

these events are also good bonding sesion
but we really do need private events
many can then go on and offer services to the film industry as they have gained some skills in private events.

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:18 pm
by barryG
As someone totally new to this, so far Ive just done four public events since this summer. For me, I love meeting and chatting to people and if that means educating them too then thats good. Ive started as an FG as I know very little about firearms or drill etc and Im non too fit so a private battle for me would just show everyone what a newbie and idiot I am right now :oops: Maybe down the line I would do one, and Im certain Id enjoy it a lot, however Im doing this with my wife and obvioulsy there isnt much room for gals at private battles and shes not that hardy either :wink: Im only too aware a lot of people do this just to dress up etc, and I hope no one gets the impression Im doing that, Im very serious about reenacting but maybe private battles arent for everyone?

As for public events, yes theres a lot of sitting about but I always look for MOPs to bore and chat a lot with others, so I dont get bored. But, the NYMR event for me at least was the best as I did eventually get into character and there was a lot going on... that is my ideal weekend.

Reading the original post, I agree 100% with what was said.... I look forward to one day being able to attend and enjoy such an event.
I think, as with any hobby different people will want different things from it, I just say live and let live.

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:16 pm
Well I guess I'll add me ten pennys worth. Paul yeh spot on with what your saying PB's tend to be a lot better than the public displays. Yes a good script is paramount - even tho sometimes it gets very flexible and fluid at times (didn't war??!!!!).
Personally for me tho its the camraderie as someone quoted being able to share a beer round a campfire with like minded eccentrics and the occassional penguin joke!!!!!! :wink:
As most of you have been to the very small Dukes we try and keep to a form of script but it means everyone playing the same tune. we experience a small amount of the hardship that the real veterans encountered and at the end of the day we are all mates. I must say met more cracking people in the re-enacting world at private battles and forged deep friendships and working relationships than I would do at a public display. All groups work together!!!
Nothing sweeter tho than being with a load of US,Brit and German troops round a fire pissing down with rain sharing a beer after gettind down,dirty and tactical.

PD please contact me need your advice PDQ!!!!

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:29 pm
by Jaws
Hi all, my answer the question on this thread:

48 hr tactical at Catterick, that's what I thought a private battle was all about. 48 hours at Catterick has some great scenery... :lol: I did this in the army cadets too many years ago. I loved every second of it!

I have only private battled at Dukes but I got the same buzz, but it is a small site. Patrolling for six hours without even seeing a fox then WHACK! ambushed!!! can't really be done at Dukes BUT the confusion of war is very much alive! I'm looking forward to it again!!

Thats is what I need. Up at sparrow'sfart, patrol bored to death then walk straight into a PD pyro ambush! I can smell the confusion already! :lol:

Anybody ever rung Catterick Garrison and asked if we can all go play there? I'm sure somebody has.

Best regards,


Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:27 pm
by Wiganer
I personally like the private battles better than the public ones( the public ones being necessary to bring in the bread and butter money for the group) as depending on the venue of the public event tends to be a blat fest with lots of shooting, bangs and noise for the public (after all thats what they want to seeand hear) but not much use of tactics can be used on a football pitch with few items to defend or attack (obviously depending on you budget, group size etc)

my fav venue has to be Ashby, large area to move around (my first event there I only fired 2 shots all day and blinking loved it) next best venue has to be Dukes run by Chris, only because of the size of the venue, brill set up but would be better if bigger area.


Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:23 am
by Ropes
I havent attended a private battle as of yet. But if they were like you described Paul id be well interested. Same as dagda im more keen to do the "Living the experiance" aspects as apposed to the explaining to the public side of things.

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:11 am
by carentan
PD I can't help thinking you're preaching to the converted...those that have done battles like this (or more or less like this) want to do more. The main problem has been reliable opposition.

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:06 am
by Maleme
Thats true Darren!

I like to do Public Shows where you get to talk to the public, meet veterans and catch up with your mates.

However, I don't think you can beat a 48 or 72 hr tactical where you are living in the field, muddy wet and cold heating up a quick brew on your Esbit and sharing bread with your fellow Kameraden and always mindful of the enemy. It's those little precious moments like that where you have a little connection, however small, to the past....

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:17 pm
by barnaclebill
I'd like to add my twopenneth worth if I may.

There are as many types of reenactors as there are renactors. Like Paul D said the times have changed. The first post you made Paul is spot on! You'll get those guys who will do the down and dirty, wanting to live the life and experience how it really was. Also there will be those who won't touch it with a barge pole, the garden reenactors. If there are enough of the former anything is possible.

The premis Paul outlines is bang on the money. You could even make a documentary of what the guys are doing!

I'm sure you've got this covered but if I can help let me know. For what its worth (not a lot probably) gets my vote.

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:14 pm
by poteau rottenfurer
well anyone who attended "Breakout from the Don" will know where my interests lay:
uniformed particpants for the scenario/timeline
basic rations cooked on open fires
bombed out buildings that leaked!
sleeping on straw with blankets
short firefights

see the pics -they tell the story

dave g

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:58 pm
by Walther
That was one of the ones that really did work Dave - I think most who attended will remember that one and bore new recruits for years to come with their stories :)


Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:37 pm
by grenmartens
As one who has 'retired' from the private arena; I thought I'd add my own opinion, however it's all there in the opening post. Paul is right:

A good venue with a carefully researched and written script. - A must.
INVITED participants who agree to abide by the ethos of the event and participate fully - taking on board the more boring/unpleasant aspects such as cold, hunger, discomfort, boredom. - Essential (and why I have retired from the private arena as I favour; warmth, fine dining, fluffy things and sensory stimulation
Participants prepared to stick to orders/scenarios and see where it takes tham rather than circumventing the "rules" and rushing out to "kill the enemy" at all costs - Fundemental
A good team of organisers prepared not to engage in frontline duties but to oversee and co-ordinate the event from start to finish. - Planing and preparation prevents p*** poor performance etc
Living Historians who are prepared to furnish rear echelon skills such as cookhouse, security, medical facilities..... to support the whole event - As above
Small emphasis on firefights and large emphasis on carrying out objectives (after all - that's what soldiers do - obey orders) - Back to basics and just so
Responsible behaviour from participants. - Anything less should be jumped all over
Geniune interest in the event being staged and not making the right noises "just to get in".This should be a given...... why turn up just to wreck others enjoyment?
Men behaving like men. - hmmm..I've seen many examples of this and I'm not sure all of it is appropriate :shock: Still if it's legal and it floats yer boat - why not!
Participants with enough fieldcraft to be able to establish a waterproof, warm base of operations and live in it for 36 hours minimum. - unless you want hypothermia
Participants who can eat mush having prepared it properly using the minimum of equipments. - I'm staying retired!
Good safe weapons skills.No compromise here; if you ain't safe stay home! Get trained (in a safe environment i.e. training events) then play nicely.

Enjoy the private events - I'll be thinking of you - now lets start getting my nice clean kit ready for next years public shows :D

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:26 am
by Pete Skillman
Yep Franz Repper is right on the button,Concerning what I am trying to do with Pip Pk.... I approached the usual misfits for the Pip Pk event in April, to say the responses was disapointing is an understatement!..."let me know next yr"..." Group meeting in Jan let you know then"... hello, I do have to book the site/get the H&S in,get Oxlade sorted, and what.... wait until bleeding January to discover the group dont fancy a day in the woods coz there is a train station event on with a beer tent on same weekend!...

I have scrapped the original scenario at Pip that would realistically cater for the Brits/Yanks being together (Wessel Pocket) etc.. as the take up by groups was dismal, Used to do 1 battle a month when starting out in this hobby!, know its once a year!
Actualy in contact with one young lad who has done this hobby 2 yrs and is still to do a private event!.. :shock: .
Something has got to change or its going to die off.
Heading back to UK so Ill be looking to do more events and try to track down new sites from MOD as some of the "experienced" reenactors have done the same site over... over again.

Re: PRIVATE BATTLES - A "Man Thing" or a Noisy Weekend Out?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:33 pm
by Hoffman Grink
Pete - just as Darren points out earlier in the thread - Preaching to the Converted mate.......

I have sat and thought long and hard - You are an old stager at this - loads more experience than me - So consider this - Cos this is the way I'm going.

I am going to source more land - The land I want to use for battles - I am going to contact people I consider able to take part in the things I want to run and I am going to form a register. It will be by invitation only and the way to get on the invite is to PROVE you will abide by the event. IF you blag your way in and cock up then you will be told toot sweet (tout suite) that it's wrong or your performance was pony and you'll be taken off the list. Being the power crazed egotists that I am I may even issue people with a card that can be revoked and keep a peroper record of them.

The plus side is - weekends will be organised by speaking WITH the "battle club" about what they want to see and do - Having established a framework of dress regs, weapons, kit, food requirements etc. I think this will raise the bar back to where some of us think it should be. It won't be for everybodu - but at the outset I'm saying - Everybody can't join in. It's for those who want it. After MUCH thinking - Some will be blank fire and some will be airsoft.

But what I see as important (Lot's of "I" in this one) is that we return to men being men. A stand has to be taken - and apologies to anyone reading who thinks the cap fits - I'm not going to argue this one - Battles have gone soft and even many of the best ones are booze and bbq orientated. I want to get back to a club of men setting out to meet up in a wild, basic environment, "going back in time" and spending at least one night out there practising fieldcraft and acquiring a closer feeling for how it must have felt not knowing who was out there (well knowing who was out there) and when it would come....... Dealing with wind, rain, cold, sun, heat, thirst and a little hunger. Eating cold beans/sausage and drinking from an aluminium canteen....... It's what's missing in 95% of events. we have reduced to comfy cartoon pastiches of the Three B's - Blat, Beer and Burgers....... and there are people out there who don't want to do that.

So before anyone who loves a 3B battle or who organises a 3B battle gets all irate and spouts - IF IT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO DO - FINE - GET ON WITH IT - BUT DO THE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO DO ANOTHER LEVEL THE COURTESY OF ALLOWING THEM TO DO SO TOO.

Now if you're with me on that Pete - perhaps we can get our heads together when you hit Blighty? I have some irons in the fire for B/F already which can be heated up. I think it's certainly one way to go.