Blenheim Palace 2007.........!!!!!

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grenadier heeder

Blenheim Palace 2007.........!!!!!

Post by grenadier heeder »

Do not under any circumstances attend this event in any capacity. I organised our participation (when I was in Kp1) in 2005 and it still puts my teeth on edge when I think of the people who provided things for the battle, Helen Vickers, Carl Brown etc,. who never got paid.
I had lots of hand ringing from the organiser, a chap called Francis Rockliffe, who pleaded innocence in all the shananigans that went on about other people running off with the cash but I still have grave misgivings about how far involved he was.
I know 916 were ripped off (although Kp1 did it for free but I think 916 were in line for getting paid).
Yes, it still makes my toes curl with embarassment when I think that here was a show that promised so much, delivered **** all and did me personally, no bloody good whatsoever.
here's the link;

Don't go for Gods sake!

Moral of the story...listen to PD...he knows what he's talking about
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Crazy Feldgendarme
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Post by Crazy Feldgendarme »

Totally agree with Adam here but what he said was only the tip of the iceberg we could not even have a camping stove to make tea or food let alone a proper fire (guess they wanted to force us to pay big prices at there food stands etc). The security head for the site was an asshole of the highest order and tried to throw some of the guys out because he said they were speeding, on the night time when kp1 were enjoying there usual somewhat drunken sing song he told his guys on the field to stop us (they told him to F**k off) saying they were not getting amongst a load of reenactors with all manner of weapons for him or anyone. A the end of the show his own people did for him (they smashed the rear of his 4x4 in with a golf cart).
His lordship was only concerned that we did not even walk on his grass verges and gave several guys a bollocking (revenge was extracted during the night when some did more than walk on his verges). We were also told we could not leave until the Mops had all left which since they had a dance on the Sunday night would have meant about midnight, no one took any notice of this of course. As i recall his lordship would not let the Tiger be unloaded in case it damaged the grass.
Overall the event was total crap and most of the lads felt they were not really wanted but used by a load of mercenary twats.

Lastly dont blame yourself Adam you booked us in with the best of intentions, not your fault if they were assholes.
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch.

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Post by Gliderinf »

If you did stay late (till the dancing finished) you would have had the privelage of hearing the speach = all about running the show - including three big digs about us re-enactors. He thought we'd all gone and he'd get sympathy from the crowd. What a Knob end :roll:
Gliderinf / Luftlande

Post by meyer »

100% behind you on this one adam ,to one and all don't go don't have anything to do with blenhem place that is unless you what to feel ripped off and treated like a peace of dog s***,by the rent a nob security.
steve kellher
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Post by steve kellher »

Are we talking about the trani fag toss thing er :D i enjoyed getting the MOPS nervous :twisted: i think we should go back and loot the place of its silver etc

Post by meyer »

Are we talking about the trani fag toss thing er i enjoyed getting the MOPS nervous i think we should go back and loot the place of its silver etc
well i am up for it if we can burn the place down afterwards :twisted: :P
Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

As Adam so kindly acknowledges - "Listen to PD!"

So - Without prejudice - DO NOT post anything publicly that you could end up veing sued for. But DO be all means notify ANYONE and EVERYONE you know about this event and the happenings of 2006.

I was first approached in 2004 and quickly got a p[icture that made me uncomfortable. I did a lot of preparatory work and then everything went quiet and we did not participate. 2005 came and we wre not even approached but the format I came up with, the contacts and the vehicels etc. were used..... get the idea? I warned people in advance but unluckily some people were taken in...... :roll:

Ah! such is life.....

Adam is correct - lots of people were left unpaid and out of pocket. Return at your peril. Make sure your freinds and enemies alike are not taken in - publicise the truth
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Post by ringer »

God you had me going there for a bit Adam and then realised it was a warning to everyone.
Good on you for doing this .
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Der Spiess
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Post by Der Spiess »

Remember how we laughed when we returned from the pub on the Friday night to see that security had closed the gate even tho the ginger toss bag had told us " don't worry lads it'll stay open till at least 1am"
Laugh I nearly bought a round...........
Show however shitte
all the best :D
Last edited by Der Spiess on Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Toodle pip
Der Spiess
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An offical WW2LHA Statement.

Post by FMROMMEL »

THis is an offical WW2LHA Statement.

Following the 2005 show at this venue, it was decided that The WW2LHA would never work for (or rather be ripped off by) these people again.
The security was a joke and a bunch of cowboys.

You should only do this event if they pay you the fully fee up front, which they wont do.
This year the price of admission is £40 for an adult, and the company taking the money is the same as 2005 so be warned. Avoid like the plague!
Last edited by FMROMMEL on Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Forces Children’s Trust is helping dependent children that have lost a parent whilst serving with UK Armed Forces.
Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

Word I heard was the company had gone "bust" and so couldn't pay creditors... If there is no time limit - surely if it is the same company creditors should resubmit their invoices and demand payment?

If nothing is forthcoming I would strongly suggest Tv's Watchdog Programme pretty damned quick to get this looked into and prevent the public parting with several thousand £40.00's into the hands of shall we say, "less than scrupulous people".......
grenadier heeder

Post by grenadier heeder »

Letter sent today to Oxford Daily Mail;

Good morning,
I see that Blenheim Palace will be the venue for another "fly to the past" event. As a participant at the last event in 2005 I am deeply troubled to see this event is again being organised by the same individual who directly caused so much bitterness, anger and personal embarassment to myself and many others at that show, reenactors or not. I bought my WW2 living history group along and we organised a mock battle. This involved about 50 reenactors, weapons and blank ammunition and pyrotechnics and two tanks. Apart from my group I had to "contract in" the weapons, pyro and tanks from proper businesses on the understanding from the organisers that their costs would be met post event on the production of an invoice. It also relied on a certain amount of goodwill on my part insofar as I had to negotiate these services and as I contuinue to work with them to this day I still feel that a certain amount of the trust I enjoyed with these companies was stretched by what happened.
Ultimately, those invoices were produced and nobody was paid. The organsier pleaded that he was as much a victim as us and several emails I was copied into went on about what he believed had happened although he seemed to be more interested in exonerating himself and blaming the directors of the production company he worked for.
It provides me with much gall to see that he once again is heading up the organisation of this years event and inviting reenactors to apply for the chance to add to the event. Not only were services not paid for but we were treated terribly by the security people and finally overheard the organiser making a PA to "all those behind the scenes" in which he ridiculed our contribution thinking we had gone home when we were in fact listening with growing astonishment and anger.
I have personally gone on record on two WW2 reenactment community forums (which are very well subscribed by all of the major groups) telling them in no uncertain terms to avoid this event. So have several others. At £30 a ticket last year and about 21,000 attending someone, somewhere not only made a lot of money but has the bloody cheek to come back and do it all again. I only hope that it rains and fails miserably as I don't suppose I or others will either get their money that they are owed or have their confidence restrored.
If you want a quote from me on this subject I would be happy to speak to you further, such is my anger.

Adam Harris
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Post by FMROMMEL »


BLENHEIM PALACE - Festival of Flight 2005

Francis Rockliff Festival Director
CMc Media Ltd 19 - 23 Market Place, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 2NX
Tel 01285 654777 Fax 01285 642100 Mob 0785 552 8023

Fly to the Past 2007
Sponsorship - John Burrows OBE -
Hospitality - Jonny Reed -
Press Enquiries - CDA Marketing -
General Enquiries - Francis Rockliff -
The Forces Children’s Trust is helping dependent children that have lost a parent whilst serving with UK Armed Forces.
Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

Re-Enactor Power Man - Mobilise the troops!

We Goin' on the ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage WARPATH!

And Did those Feet ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage Walk upon England's Pasture's Green
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Crazy Feldgendarme
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Post by Crazy Feldgendarme »

Personally i hope as Adam says it rains all weekend, someone craps on the lawns and pisses on the grass verges. Any reenactor who goes is as far as i am concerned is a mug (but its there choice).
Francis, well the words ragmans trumpet and wants stuffing with spring to mind. I believe and hope that kp1 are sticking to the decision made at the AGM Oct 2005 not to attend this event ever again. :twisted: :twisted: :cry: :x
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch.

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